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You now have access to over 1872 documents from the Catalogue and the International Journal of Case Studies in Management
643 Document(s) matching your search criteria
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  • 01 January 2000
    9 90 2000 008

      Mots clés: Coût cible

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  • 9 50 2021 001
    Logistics and operations management, Management

      Mots clés: Chaîne de montage, Automatisation, Lean, Toyota, Production de masse

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  • 01 November 2016
    9 50 2016 003
    Logistics and operations management, Strategy

      Mots clés: Logistique, Commerce de détail, Gestion de l'information, Chaîne logistique

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  • 9 50 2016 001
    Logistics and operations management, Strategy

      Mots clés: Gestion de la chaîne logistique, Santé, Pénurie, Approvisionnement, Gestion des fournisseurs

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  • 29 October 2015
    9 50 2015 003
    Logistics and operations management, Change management

      Mots clés: Lean, Kaizen, Toyota, Santé, Amélioration continue

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  • 9 50 2014 003
    Logistics and operations management, SME management

      keywords: Service delivery, Delivery Channel, Service capacity, Service system design

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  • 9 40 2024 009
    Arts management

      Mots clés: philanthropie, gouvernance, leadership, arts et culture, campagne de financement

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  • 07 March 2024
    9 40 2024 003
    Arts management

      Mots clés: fondations parallèles, gestion philanthropique, fonds de dotation, stratégies philanthropiques

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  • 9 40 2022 010
    SME management

      Mots clés: Management, Petite entreprise, Design organisationnel, Artisanat

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  • 9 40 2021 001A-B
    Management, Education

      Mots clés: Rencontre interculturelle, Communication interculturelle, Relations Blancs-Autochtones, Analyse critique

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