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You now have access to over 1872 documents from the Catalogue and the International Journal of Case Studies in Management
66 Document(s) matching your search criteria
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  • 21 October 2016
    9 50 2016 002
    Logistics and operations management, International business

      Mots clés: Incoterms 2020, Transport maritime international, Logistique, Transitaire

      keywords : 2020 Incoterms, International maritime shipping, Logistics, Freight forwarders

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  • 9 40 2023 003
    Strategy, International business

      keywords: strategy development, strategy execution, internationalization, entry mode, leadership

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  • 04 December 2022
    9 40 2022 014
    Entrepreneurship, International business

      keywords: internationalization, entrepreneurship, global leader, video analysis

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  • 11 October 2022
    9 40 2022 012A-B
    Management, International business

      keywords: Amazon, Choice of location, New York, Inequality, Municipal governance

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  • 9 40 2019 006
    Strategy, International business

      Mots clés: Entrepreneuriat/PME, Vietnam, Approvisionnement, Modèle d’affaires, Croissance, Écoresponsabilité

      keywords : Entrepreneurship/SME, Vietnam, Procurement, Business model, Growth, Environmental responsibility

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  • 9 40 2018 003
    Management, International business

      Mots clés: Entrepreneuriat, PME transnationale, Moyen-Orient, Inde, Effectuation

      keywords : Entrepreneurship, Transnational SME, Middle East, India, Effectuation

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  • 9 10 2020 002
    Marketing, International business

      Mots clés: Prospection, Vente dans un contexte interentreprises (business-to-business – B2B), Développement de marché, Développement d’affaires

      keywords : Prospecting, Selling in a business-to-business (B2B) context, Market development, Business development

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  • 16 February 2024
    9 00 2024 001
    International business

      keywords: PGA Tour, Liability of foreignness, Competition, Global mindset, Discrimination

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  • 9 00 2022 003
    International business, Strategy

      keywords: M&A, Internationalization, Deal structure, Foreign CEO

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  • 9 00 2022 002
    International business

      keywords: WTO, multilateralism, geopolitics, state capitalism

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