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You now have access to over 1872 documents from the Catalogue and the International Journal of Case Studies in Management
67 Document(s) matching your search criteria
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  • 25 October 2017
    9 90 2017 002A-B
    Accounting, Governance

      keywords: Finance, Governance, Debt financing, Acquisitions, Market reaction

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  • 02 December 2016
    9 90 2016 003
    Accounting, Governance

      Mots clés: Audit, Contrôle interne, Divulgation, Réaction du marché boursier, Information financière

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  • 02 March 2016
    9 90 2016 001
    Accounting, Business ethics

      Mots clés: Audit des états financiers, Risques et audit, Entreprise gouvernementale

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  • 9 90 2014 001
    Accounting, Governance

      Mots clés: Secteur public, Reddition de comptes, Audit, Tableau de bord de gestion, Gestion de la performance

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  • 9 70 2020 002
    Cooperative and nonprofit sectors, Sustainable development

      Mots clés: Innovation sociale, Écosystème, Revenus autonomes

      keywords : Social innovation, Ecosystem, Own-source revenue

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  • 9 70 2018 002
    Cooperative and nonprofit sectors, Sustainable development

      keywords: Social impact, Scaling, Microfinance, Community credit, Not-for-profit

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  • 12 January 2018
    9 70 2018 001
    Cooperative and nonprofit sectors, Corporate social responsibility

      keywords: Fair trade, Co-operatives, Developing countries, Local communities

      Mots clés : Commerce équitable, Coopératives, Pays en voie de développement, Communautés locales

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  • 9 50 2014 005
    Logistics and operations management, Sustainable development

      Mots clés: Connectivité, Aéroport, Navette ferroviaire, Transports publics

      keywords : Connectivity, Rail shuttle, Airport, Public transport

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  • 9 40 2023 011A-B
    Entrepreneurship, Corporate social responsibility

      Mots clés: entrepreneuriat féminin, innovation sociale, entrepreneuriat social, grippe aviaire, COVID-19

      keywords : women entrepreneurship, social innovation, social entrepreneurship, avian flu, COVID-19

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  • 9 40 2023 001
    Strategy, Sustainable development

      Mots clés: développement durable, entrepreneuriat social, entrepreneuriat vert, stratégie, hybridité

      keywords : Sustainable development, social entrepreneurship, green entrepreneurship, strategy, hybridity

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