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You now have access to over 1872 documents from the Catalogue and the International Journal of Case Studies in Management
281 Document(s) matching your search criteria
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  • 9 40 2018 001
    General management, Human resources

      Mots clés: Culture organisationnelle, Management, Entreprise libérée, Bonheur au travail

      keywords : Organizational culture, Management, Liberated company, Happiness at work

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  • 9 40 2017 010
    Change management, Human resources

      Mots clés: Entreprise libérée, Modèle organisationnel et managérial, Innovation managériale, Participation, Changement organisationnel

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  • 25 August 2015
    9 40 2015 013
    Strategy, Human resources

      Mots clés: Transformation, Secteur public, Changement organisationnel, Intégration, Planification stratégique

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  • 9 40 2015 010
    Change management, Human resources

      Mots clés: Collaboration interprofessionnelle, Gestion du changement, Optimisation des services de santé, Organisation du travail

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  • 9 40 2013 035
    Strategy, Human resources

      keywords: Kingfisher Airlines, Government policy, Low-cost carrier, Funliners, Indian aviation industry

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  • 9 40 2010 056
    Management, Human resources

      Mots clés: Pouvoir, Gestion de crise, Habiletés de direction, Gestion des ressources humaines, Leadership

      keywords : Crisis management, Leadership skills, Power, Human resources management, Leadership

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  • 9 40 2000 017A-C
    Arts management, Conflict management

      Mots clés: Gestion des arts, Gestion de crise, Résolution de conflits, Gestion en milieu syndiqué, Débrayage

      keywords : Arts management, Crisis management, Conflict management, Managing in a unionized environment, Walkout

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  • 15 August 2023
    9 30 2023 003
    Labour relations

      Mots clés: grève, syndicalisme, stratégie de mobilisation, moyens de pression, négociation collective, droit du travail

      keywords : strike, trade unionism, mobilization strategy, pressure tactics, collective bargaining, labour law

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  • 9 30 2023 002
    Human resources, Management

      Mots clés: Harcèlement psychologique et sexuel, Droit de gérance, Interventions et obligations de l’employeur, Prévention (primaire, secondaire, tertiaire)

      keywords : Psychological and sexual harassment, Management rights, Employer’s obligations, Primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention

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  • 9 30 2023 001
    Human resources, Management

      Mots clés: Équité, diversité et inclusion (EDI), Gestion de la diversité, Racisme systémique, Microagressions, Activisme performatif, Leadership

      keywords : Equity, diversity, inclusion (EDI), Diversity management, Systemic racism, Microaggressions, Performative activism, Leadership

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