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You now have access to over 1872 documents from the Catalogue and the International Journal of Case Studies in Management
959 Document(s) matching your search criteria
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  • 19 December 2018
    9 99 2018 001
    Education, Management

      Mots clés: Transfert des connaissances, Innovation, Consultants, Gestion du changement, Science

      keywords : Knowledge transfer, Innovation, Consultants, Change management, Science

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  • 12 December 2023
    9 70 2023 002
    Cooperative and nonprofit sectors, Third sector management

      Mots clés: organisation démocratique, démocratie organisationnelle, déficit démocratique, démocratie participative, démocratie représentative, syndicat

      keywords : democratic organization, organizational democracy, democratic deficit, participatory democracy, representative democracy, unions

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  • 23 October 2023
    9 70 2023 001
    Cooperative and nonprofit sectors, General management

      Mots clés: Coopérative financière, Innovation sociale, Investissement responsable, Gouvernance

      keywords : Financial cooperative, Social innovation, Responsible investment, Governance

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  • 9 70 2021 002A-C
    Cooperative and nonprofit sectors, Management

      Mots clés: Autogestion, Communauté intentionnelle, Coopération, Innovation sociale, Projet collectif

      keywords : Self-management, Intentional community, Cooperation, Social innovation, Collective project

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  • 9 70 2021 001
    Cooperative and nonprofit sectors, Management

      Mots clés: Coopérative d’activité et d’emploi, Gestion du sens, Gestion des organisations militantes, Outils de gestion, Coopération

      keywords : Business and employment cooperative, Management of meaning, Management of activist organizations, Management tools, Cooperation

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  • 9 70 2020 001
    Cooperative and nonprofit sectors, Management

      Mots clés: Innovation sociale, Conservation de l'eau, Philanthropie, Entrepreneuriat, Croissance

      keywords : Social innovation, Water conservation, Philanthropy, Entrepreneurship, Scaling up

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  • 07 April 2017
    9 65 2017 001
    Information technology, Strategy

      keywords: Business model, IT infrastructure, Software development, Cloud-based software

      Mots clés : Modèle d’affaires, Infrastructure TI, Développement de logiciels, Infonuagique

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  • 9 65 2016 002A-B
    Information technology, SME management

      keywords: Project failure, Information technology projects, SMEs, Project risk management, Project vision

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  • 28 January 2016
    9 65 2016 001
    Information technology, General management

      Mots clés: Vol de données, Sécurité de l’information, Technologie, Paiement électronique, Cybercrime

      keywords : Information security, Electronic payments, Data breach, Cybercrime, Technology

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  • 9 65 2015 001
    Information technology, Change management

      Mots clés: Technologie de collaboration, Changement organisationnel, Diagnostic du processus, Adoption TI

      keywords : Process diagnosis, Collaboration technology, IT adoption, Organizational change

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