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You now have access to over 1872 documents from the Catalogue and the International Journal of Case Studies in Management
7 Document(s) matching your search criteria
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  • 19 June 2013
    9 80 2013 001

      keywords: Economics, Rationing, Demand, Onion, Supply

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  • 15 December 2010
    9 80 2010 001

      Mots clés: Culture locale, Tarification, Structure organisationnelle, Délocalisation, Problèmes de coordination

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  • 9 40 2021 013A-B
    Management, Economics

      Mots clés: Indicateurs de performance, Théorie de l'agence

      keywords : Performance indicators, Agency theory

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  • 9 00 2022 001
    International business, Economics

      keywords: Global governance, International collective action, Global public good, World Health Organization, COVID-19

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  • 19 December 2018
    9 00 2018 002
    International business, Economics

      keywords: Anti-dumping duty, Protectionist measures, Economic environment, Dumping, Tyre industry

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  • 19 September 2014
    9 00 2014 001
    International business, Economics

      keywords: Offshoring, Global value chains, Trade policy, Fair trade, Comparative advantage

      Mots clés : Délocalisation dans un autre pays, Chaînes de valeur mondiales, Politique commerciale, Commerce équitable, Avantage comparatif

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  • 9 80 2011 001

      Mots clés: Administration publique, Communauté, Créativité citoyenne, Création d'entreprise

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