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Avenir des cafés-bistrots L’Espoir : mousser ressources humaines et marketing (L')

Future of Espoir Cafés: Balancing Human Resources and Marketing (The)

Case 9 30 2012 003
Case published in the International Journal of Case Studies in Management, Vol. 10, No. 2
Languages : 
  • French,
  • English
  • Rentabilité,
  • Marketing,
  • Autonomisation,
  • Culture d'entreprise,
  • Gestion des ressources humaines
  • Profits,
  • Marketing,
  • Empowerment,
  • Organizational culture,
  • Human resources management
Year of production : 
Registration date : 
Teaching notes included : 

L’Autonome est une coopérative dont la mission est de procurer l’assistance nécessaire aux aidants naturels qui prennent soin d’un aîné. Elle gère un centre de soutien dans la ville de Sherbrooke (au Québec), la Maison de soutien aux aidants naturels (MSAN), vers laquelle les aidants peuvent se tourner pour obtenir divers services dont un soutien psychologique, des repas préparés ou un service d’accompagnateur bénévole. L’Autonome parvient à financer les activités de la MSAN en partie grâce aux profits de sa chaîne de cinq cafés-bistrots L’Espoir. Outre leur engagement à créer une forte valeur de marque et à maintenir une croissance constante, les cafés-bistrots poursuivent une importante mission éducative dont l’un des volets est la sensibilisation à la cause des aidants naturels. Jusqu’à récemment, les activités de la chaîne de cafés avaient été profitables. Toutefois, le niveau de rentabilité est décevant depuis 2008, et les résultats financiers préliminaires de 2009 inquiètent l’équipe de direction.

"L'Autonome" is a cooperative invested with the mission of providing much-needed help to family caregivers to the elderly. It manages an assistance centre in Sherbrooke (Quebec), the Maison de soutien aux aidants naturels (MSAN) [Support Centre for Family Caregivers], where family caregivers have access to a variety of services including psychological support, food aid and a volunteer accompaniment service. Autonome partly finances the MSAN's activities using profits from its Espoir Cafés division made up of five coffee shops. In addition to their commitment to building strong brand equity and maintaining constant growth, the coffee shops also have a strong educational aim; to build awareness of the cause of family caregivers. Until recently, the division has had its fair share of success. However, the level of profitability has been disappointing since 2008, and the preliminary financial results for 2009 have the management team worried.

Primary domain : 
Secondary domain : 
Human resources
Sectors : 
  • Accommodation and Food Services
Source : 
HEC Montréal
Type : 
Traditional case 
Type of data used in the production of the case : 
Event location : 
Sherbrooke, QC, Canada
Year of start of the event : 
Year the event ended : 
Business size : 
Objectifs pédagogiques

The case provides the data to support creative decision making related to marketing and human resources management issues. It introduces students to a variety of interesting concepts such as ethical and social management, management in times of crisis and the strategic importance of interaction between marketing and human resources management for retail businesses.

Students will be required to propose innovative marketing and human resources management solutions to enhance the profitability of the cafés without compromising the cooperative’s value system and cultural background.