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Mellencorp Canada

Mellencorp Canada

Case 9 40 2006 055
Case published in the International Journal of Case Studies in Management, Vol. 4, No. 4
Author : 
Languages : 
  • French,
  • English
  • Éthique,
  • Habiletés de direction,
  • Évaluation de la performance,
  • Pouvoir
  • Power,
  • Performance evaluation,
  • Ethics,
  • Leadership skills
Year of production : 
Registration date : 
Teaching notes included : 

Kate Ness, directrice du service à la clientèle chez Mellencorp Canada, disposait de quelques secondes en ce matin du 8 mars 2004 pour décider quoi répondre au nouveau président de la compagnie, Ross Pert. Ce dernier avait convoqué Kate Ness à un entretien sans lui en dévoiler l'objet, mais en la prévenant d'avance qu'il devrait rester strictement confidentiel. Il venait de demander à Kate Ness d'évaluer de 1 à 10 la performance du vice-président aux opérations, Martin Solten, supérieur direct de Kate Ness, sous l'autorité duquel elle travaillait difficilement depuis deux ans.

It was the morning of March 8, 2004, and Kate Ness, Customer Service Director at Mellencorp Canada, only had a few seconds to decide how to respond to Ross Pert, the company’s new President. Ross had summoned Kate to a meeting without telling her what it was about, stating only that it had to remain strictly confidential. He had just asked Kate to evaluate Martin Solten’s performance on a scale of 1 to 10. Martin Solten was the Vice-President of Operations and Kate’s immediate supervisor; she had been working for him for the past two years, and not without some difficulty.

Primary domain : 
Secondary domain : 
Not available
Sectors : 
  • Manufacturing
Source : 
HEC Montréal
Type : 
Traditional case 
Type of data used in the production of the case : 
Event location : 
Year of start of the event : 
Year the event ended : 
Not available
Business size : 