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Successfully Navigating the Turbulent Skies of a Large-Scale ERP Implementation

Cas 9 65 2012 001
Cas publié dans la Revue internationale de cas en gestion, vol. 10, no 1
Langues : 
  • Anglais
Mots clés: 
  • Information systems,
  • ERP,
  • Aeronautic industry,
  • Implementation
Année de production : 
Date de publication : 
Notes pédagogiques incluses : 

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems introduce changes on a larger scale than most other systems. They link various components of the organization and modify its structure by deploying standardized processes and data models, which can lead to higher efficiency and significant cost savings. This case shows the adjustment dynamic between an ERP system and the other components of the organization. The project is a very large one, involving an investment of several hundred million dollars. The results are impressive. Bombardier implemented new processes through the use of the system, changed the roles of its employees, created a different way of looking at the organization and its activities and established new value indicators that helped crystallize the new behaviours.

Discipline principal : 
Technologies de l'information
Discipline secondaire : 
Non disponible
Secteurs d'activité : 
  • Fabrication
Provenance : 
HEC Montréal
Type : 
Cas traditionnel 
Type de données pour la production du cas : 
Non défini
Lieu de l'événement : 
Année de début de l'événement : 
Année de fin de l'événement : 
Taille de l'entreprise : 
27,130 employees