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Performance Appraisal at Telespazio: Aligning Strategic Goals to People Development

Cas 9 30 2013 010
Cas publié dans la Revue internationale de cas en gestion, vol. 12, no 1
Langues : 
  • Anglais
Mots clés: 
  • Performance management,
  • Human resources management,
  • Matrix organization,
  • Performance appraisal,
  • Project-based organization
Année de production : 
Date de publication : 
Notes pédagogiques incluses : 

Since being incorporated into the Finmeccanica Group, Telespazio has been aligning its personnel policies and practices to those of the parent company. The challenge for the HR team is to foster a strategic and organizational change that will turn a domestic telecommunications firm into a leading global company in satellite solutions and services. The case focuses on the design and implementation of a new performance appraisal system. It starts out with the establishment of a task force to create a new appraisal system from scratch. Next, the case provides a detailed description of the performance appraisal program (What is assessed? Who is in charge? What steps are involved?) and describes the main levers adopted to move from a simple appraisal perspective towards a more multifaceted approach. The case also explains how the system supports the company’s shift towards a project-based organization. The first part of the case ends in 2011 when, after six years from the first implementation, the HR team meets to evaluate the results achieved. The strengths and weaknesses of the program are discussed. The second part of the case illustrates the major revisions introduced to the program and brings a new challenge for the HR team: extending the implementation to all of Telespazio’s foreign subsidiaries by the end of 2014.

Discipline principal : 
Ressources humaines
Discipline secondaire : 
Management  - Gestion du changement
Secteurs d'activité : 
  • Autres services (sauf les administrations publiques)
Provenance : 
Type : 
Cas traditionnel (Cas descriptif)
Type de données pour la production du cas : 
Données réelles, non publiques, non maquillées
Lieu de l'événement : 
Rome, Italy
Année de début de l'événement : 
Année de fin de l'événement : 
Taille de l'entreprise : 
Grande entreprise
Principaux thèmes couverts

The case focuses on the design of a performance management system in an international company. It underscores how critical these systems are for aligning corporate and employee values, and fostering cultural and organizational change. Further, it focuses on the assessment of employees operating within project-based and matrix organizations.

Objectifs pédagogiques

Allow students to:

  • understand the role of HRM practices, and notably performance management, for supporting strategic and organizational change
  • appreciate the complexities involved in designing and implementing a performance management system
  • understand how to design appraisal systems in project based and matrix organizations
  • understand the components of an effective performance management system and the differences related to performance appraisal
  • understand evaluator biases in performance appraisal