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Olivieri Case: An Ethical Dilemma of Clinical Research and Corporate Sponsorship (The)

Cas 9 40 2011 043
Cas publié dans la Revue internationale de cas en gestion, vol. 9, no 4
Langues : 
  • Anglais
Mots clés: 
  • Organizational behaviour,
  • Corporate culture,
  • Management control,
  • Pharmaceutial industry,
  • Conduct and ethics
Année de production : 
Date de publication : 
Notes pédagogiques incluses : 

The "Olivieri Case" was a high-profile series of ethical disputes concerning multiple institutions and individual researchers involved in the clinical research on a new drug. The drug was developed during the mid-1980s to mid-1990s to treat an inherited, potentially fatal blood disorder called thalassemia. The initial dispute arose from an attempt to advise patients of potential side effects of Deferiprone (L1). It was subsequently compounded by oversights, mistakes and misjudgements by individuals, public institutions, a private corporation and inquiry panels. This case focuses on issues of research ethics and academic freedom so important to the public interest that it attracted national and international attention.

Discipline principal : 
Discipline secondaire : 
Non disponible
Secteurs d'activité : 
  • Enseignement et formation,
  • Fabrication,
  • Santé
Provenance : 
Type : 
Cas traditionnel 
Type de données pour la production du cas : 
Non défini
Lieu de l'événement : 
Toronto, ON Canada
Année de début de l'événement : 
Année de fin de l'événement : 
Taille de l'entreprise : 
Objectifs pédagogiques

The case allows students to understand:

  • The growing pressure of economic considerations in public-sector decisions and how those decisions impact ethical issues;
  • How corporate sponsorship of research relates to business ethics;
  • Organizational theory at both the individual and group/organizational level. In particular, examination of ethical theories such as utilitarianism and the deontological approach;
  • The essence of the conflict between organizations and individuals by having students explore the operational codes or standards each uses as a guide.