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India Shedding Tears over Onion Prices

Cas 9 80 2013 001
Cas publié dans la Revue internationale de cas en gestion, vol. 11, no 2
Auteurs : 
Langues : 
  • Anglais
Mots clés: 
  • Economics,
  • Rationing,
  • Demand,
  • Onion,
  • Supply
Année de production : 
Date de publication : 
Notes pédagogiques incluses : 

This case highlights the demand and supply factors that caused a sharp rise in onion prices during the period of December 2010 to January 2011. These factors ranged from natural demand and supply forces to manmade forces such as government price interventions in the form of a minimum export price and ceiling price, and a supply shortage that was artificially created by hoarders in anticipation of higher prices in the ensuing period. Government price interventions prevented price mechanisms from clearing the market. Hence, alternative clearing mechanisms such as maintenance of the surplus stock or rationing were used in the onion market. The cost of such alternative clearing mechanisms, however, falls on taxpayers. The case highlights the dilemma faced by policy makers and analysts: whether the government should intervene in the market in the short run by providing subsidies when prices are exorbitantly high, or incur heavy investment expenditures to bring about long-run stability in onion prices.

Discipline principal : 
Discipline secondaire : 
Non disponible
Secteurs d'activité : 
  • Agriculture, foresterie, pêche et chasse
Provenance : 
Type : 
Cas traditionnel (Cas descriptif)
Type de données pour la production du cas : 
Données réelles, publiques, libres de toute matière litigieuse
Lieu de l'événement : 
Année de début de l'événement : 
Année de fin de l'événement : 
Taille de l'entreprise : 
Objectifs pédagogiques

The case is aimed at:

- Illustrating the factors affecting demand and supply in the short run as well as in the medium and long run;

- Explaining how changes in various factors result in simultaneous shifts in the demand and supply curves and fluctuations in price and quantity demanded;

- Depicting the impact of government policies on price fluctuations;

- Illustrating the impact of price interventions by the government on the market and rationing as an alternative to market mechanism;

- Demonstrating the impact of alternative clearing mechanisms on society.

Concepts et théories en lien avec le cas

The case is designed to illustrate the application of the following concepts:

- Factors affecting demand and supply;

- Movement along the demand and supply curves;

- Shifts in the demand and supply curves;

- Demand and supply elasticity in the short and long run;

- Perfect competition;

- Government price interventions: ceiling price and floor price;

- Market mechanism vs. rationing.