
Registration to Case Center

  • For all

  • Registration gives you access to cases from the Catalogue (read/ or consultation only) as well as to the International Journal of Case Studies in Management.

    Please note: Access to certain documents is restricted to subscribers with "Professor" or "Teacher" status.
  • For management teachers/faculty affiliated with a recognized university

  • In addition to consulting our cases, you may use them as in-class teaching tools. To do so, you must complete a declaration of use form, which will call up an electronic document to which access is personal and nominative.

    Please note: Certain cases may be used in class for a fee (notably cases from the IJCSM). These cases are easily identifiable by icons that refer to our business partners. When you want to use one of these cases in an educational context, you are redirected to the trading partner with which you will carry out the transaction.
  • For faculty affiliated with a recognized university

  • You will also have access to the teaching notes.
  • Password must contain at least 8 characters.
  • Are you a professor or teacher in management or a related field? *
  • If you checked yes, we will contact you shortly to confirm your status. Access to case teaching notes is limited exclusively to regular teachers affiliated with a recognized university.
  • Are you a professor or a teacher?
  • Please provide the specific web address / URL of your institution's website. Examples: the online directory of your institution or your personal page on your institution's website

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